
Afro-Caribbean Funk + Dance: El Caribefunk



Venue:Afro-Caribbean Funk + Dance: El Caribefunk

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El Caribefunk is an Afro-Caribbean funk and dance band whose joyous music won them a Latin Grammy nomination in the categories of Best Contemporary Album and Tropical Fusion. The group features Funkcho Salas (percussion/vox) and Andres Mordecai (guiarist/vox) from Cartagena, Colombia, appearing with Bronson Tennis (bass/vox).

Funkcho Salas and Andres Mordecai were born in Cartagena de lndias, a beautiful city in the Colombian Caribbean, and their adventurous souls have taken them to at least 20 countries for approximately 150 concerts a year. Thousands of international followers sing and move to their music, generating a unifying frenzy all over the world.

On their Latin Grammy nomination, Funkcho Salas says, “It is a recognition of the professionalism and persistence of two independent artists who have given ourselves, body and soul, to music, through which we have accumulated a lot of energy to give away.”

Cost: $10 at the door