

In today’s precarious times, the world needs more all-inclusive, take-no-BS bands like Democratoz.

A product of their Oran roots, the group is perpetuating the spirit of raï (literally “opinion”, an influential musical genre born from Bedouin desert music and pop) for the 21st Century, boosting it with a reggae backbone and party vibe. These multilingual Algerian rockers mean what they say: They’ll give you their political take while saluting the spirit of of Bob Marley and other reggae kings – one love, North African-style, with grooves for your dancing feet and some “get up, stand up” for your conscience.

The Washington City Paper and the Washington Post have pegged Democratoz’s upcoming appearance at Bossa as a must – don’t miss out! We welcome the band to our stage on Thursday, July 21 at 9:30 pm.


story © yillah 2016