
It is with weighted hearts that we at Bossa mourn the loss of our friend, Sierra Leonean artist Janka Nabay. Janka was a familiar face at Bossa, performing with his tribe of bubu music-makers, both as a headliner as well as a surprise guest – he was apt to pop-up appearances[…]


In today’s precarious times, the world needs more all-inclusive, take-no-BS bands like Democratoz. A product of their Oran roots, the group is perpetuating the spirit of raï (literally “opinion”, an influential musical genre born from Bedouin desert music and pop) for the 21st Century, boosting it with a reggae backbone and party vibe. These[…]

If you’ve been to Bossa on a Tuesday night, chances are you’ve heard the most eclectic blend of African genres in the city, if not the East Coast. Resident headliner Cheick Hamala Diabaté – funky griot and Malian superstar – belts it out with a multifaceted crop of accompanying musicians who rock the[…]