
When the Washington City Paper announced its 2016 “Jazzies” – nods to the best of the best for jazz in the city – Sriram Gopal was not expecting to see his name in print. His album, The Fourth Stream – along with Mark G. Meadows’ To the People – was selected as Recording of the[…]

On Saturday, December 31st, Bossa is bidding a fond farewell to 2016 and ushering in 2017, Brazilian-style, with the sultry and summery sounds of Cissa Paz. This carioca songstress – Bossa’s resident Brazilian artist who performs at the club every last Thursday of the month – is ready to heat[…]


In today’s precarious times, the world needs more all-inclusive, take-no-BS bands like Democratoz. A product of their Oran roots, the group is perpetuating the spirit of raï (literally “opinion”, an influential musical genre born from Bedouin desert music and pop) for the 21st Century, boosting it with a reggae backbone and party vibe. These[…]

Bossa has been getting its due props lately. Recent write-ups in The Washingtonian and The Washington Post peg Bossa as the go-to joint for eclectic tastes and underground vibes.   With the closing of DC institution Bohemian Caverns, The Washingtonian recommends Bossa as a fine spot to get your music fix, highlighting Alfred Mojica –[…]